4 Ways to Prevent From Piles (Hemorrhoids)
Piles another name is hemorrhoids, it is a really painful problem, which are caused by inflamed veins ,varicose veins which are nearby our anus or rectum in the body that cause pain, itchiness and bleeding during passing stool. Piles are very common problem every individual has faced this problem in his or her life. Here are some ways to prevent piles problem easily which are as follows-
If you need to go the washroom, and then move right away, do not delay for going washroom .Otherwise, if you delay to go your stools can be hard. When you pushed hardly and feel the strain for passing stools, then you can experience piles problem. Hence it is necessary to go to washroom without any delay. When your motion will be a regular, try to be using near a toilet during times of the day you recognize you will be hurry up to go for washroom without any delay.
If you will do exercises each day, it will help to improve your bowel movements and keep your digestive system healthy and get rid far away from piles or hemorrhoids problem easily. If you do not perform exercise and not physically active than your bowel movements are slow down. Exercise helps to active your digestive tract system rapidly. By doing exercise properly per day you can get rid away from constipation and dry and hard motion easily. Do whatever you want to do such as walking, running, riding bicycle, yoga or meditation select any physical activity, and do it per day for maintaining active lifestyle.
Simply do not practice heavy duty weight lifting squats because it can increase the pressure on your stomach. If you wanted to prevent the piles problem in your life, then do the exercises for stay away from this problem.
Every individual need to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Your body will require enough water for passing stool easily. Piles problem get away from easily to drink plenty of water per day. Water should be from, well, mineral water, should be soft, hard water is not advisable for the intestine in our body.
Fiber is very important for every individual in maintaining a healthy body and diet. Fiber helps to keep our motion regularly, if motion is easily passed, piles or hemorrhoids problem we can’t face in our life and prevent constipation problem also by consuming more fiber per day. Your body requires every day around 25 to 30 grams fiber, for getting more fiber, eat beans, green broccoli, carrots, whole grains and fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. You can eat whole wheat breads also for getting enough fiber on your breakfast. If you want to get more fiber, then consult your doctor for taking a fiber supplement as well. The Doctor gives better advice for fiber supplements which need your body at what quantity.